Women’s Health


Health and hormone balance for women doesn’t have to be cookie cutter and can be customized to help a woman feel more in her own skin. Getting in tune with hormones and their typical patterns, or knowing when they feel out of balance, is an innate skill each woman already possesses. It’s one you can reconnect with using natural treatment methods to not only relieve symptoms, but also to have a useful way to read what the body is going through with its health on a regular basis. Dr. Patel creates personalized treatment plans designed to help you feel more energy, vitality, relaxation, and balance in your body. She treats the following women’s health and hormone imbalance symptoms:


  • PMS — Mood swings, bloating, cramps, cravings, headaches, hormonal acne, insomnia, and other symptoms during monthly cycles
  • Irregular or absent cycles — Cycles that are unpredictable in timing, too long or too short, or feel like they’re on pause
  • PCOS — Polycystic ovarian syndrome, which is often characterized by irregular cycles, acne, unwanted hair growth, and for some women weight gain and/or insulin resistance
  • Hormone imbalance after discontinuing hormonal contraception — After stopping birth control pills or getting an IUD removed, hormone imbalances can set in. Natural treatment can help, aimed at getting a regular monthly cycle going again (or for some women, for the first time)
  • Heavy periods — Stemming from endometriosis, hormone imbalances, lifestyle factors, stress, or a combination of these
  • Hormonal acne — Breakouts that seem to cluster with other symptoms of hormone imbalance, such as irregular cycles or unwanted hair growth. Please visit our skin conditons page to learn more
  • Perimenopause/Menopause — Symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, irritability, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, low libido, low energy, weight gain, forgetfulness, and others that occur around the time periods are slowing down or after they’ve stopped
  • Hormone imbalance post-hysterectomy — A hysterectomy can reduce blood flow to the women’s reproductive system and reduce hormone levels, which can be more pronounced if one or both ovaries are removed as well. BHRT can help relieve symptoms of hormone deficiency and can be paired with natural therapies and lifestyle measures
  • Weight gain — Can occur at any age from hormone imbalances and/or lifestyle habits. Natural medicine excels at treating weight loss in a way that leads to long lasting changes rather than extreme yo-yo results that are only short-term
  • Fatigue — A very common symptom in the modern day lifestyle, which can stem from specific or prolonged stressors or life events. Fatigue can also feel like it has no known or immediate cause. This symptom can benefit from a thorough naturopathic health intake, customized natural health tools, attending to mental-emotional factors, and taking steps toward supportive lifestyle measures
  • Insomnia — Trouble falling or staying asleep; unexplained alertness during the night or racing thoughts
  • Anxiety/depression — Mood changes are often a natural response to common life stresses and events, but they can at times become an obstacle to daily living and prevent you from doing things you want to do or used to be excited about doing. Anxiety and depression can be managed well with natural treatments, hormone balancing, homeopathy, lifestyle support, and naturopathic counseling. These therapies may work better for some than pharmaceuticals that carry the risk of side effects
  • Fertility support — Difficulty or prolonged amount of time trying to conceive. Balancing hormone levels, making lifestyle adjustments where needed, using natural remedies, and attending to mind-body health can help in a non-invasive way that is in tune with the body

Dr. Patel takes a thorough health history and uses comprehensive hormone testing to guide each individualized treatment plan. Her methods of treatment typically include botanical or nutritional supplements, homeopathy, lifestyle recommendations, mind-body medicine, and for some women bioidentical hormone therapy (BHRT). She helps you take charge of your overall health to make results long lasting.