Holistic Dermatology


Our skin is what we present out in the world, so chronic skin issues can be a frustrating experience for both teens and adults who are hiding themselves due to stubborn symptoms. Dermatology prescribed drugs come with many potential side effects and are not an absolute cure, often making the skin feel worse in the long run. There may not be a “quick fix” out there that works, but we offer something better—a mind-body approach to treatment that encourages long term health and healing of the skin. Dr. Patel works on shifting mindset so you can stop revolving your life around skin flaws. Then, she recommends options such as hormone balancing, immune support, gut health, stress relief, dietary therapy, and homeopathy to help you reclaim your skin (and life) from chronic skin conditions. She treats the following:


  • Acne Acne can feel like more than just bumps on your skin. It often takes up mental and emotional space, affects daily decision-making, and increases stress. It can cluster with related symptoms as well such as hormone imbalance, adrenal fatigue, gut issues, and anxiety. Since acne has multiple roots to it, looking for a miracle pill or cream to cure it usually doesn’t work well long-term. Rather than treating acne on only a physical level, Dr. Patel treats it by addressing the mind-body (or mind-skin) connection as well, which makes results long lasting. Please visit her website by clicking Mind Body Acne Doc to learn more, and you can find her skin care recommendations here.

  • Eczema — Dry skin that can cause itching, redness, irritation, and flaking. Happens in skin folds or anywhere on the body. Often feels allergic in nature, and can be aggravated by stress. Conventional medicine typically turns to steroid-based creams for treatment, but eczema can benefit most long-term from addressing stress, immunity, lifestyle factors, and skincare using natural treatment that works with the body and skin rather than suppressing symptoms.

  • Rosacea — Flushing of the face with visible blood vessels; sometimes presents with bumps as well. Natural treatment is aimed at soothing the skin, avoiding typical symptom triggers, attending to lifestyle factors and stress, and using natural therapies that can support the skin from beneath the surface.


  • Psoriasis — Red, itchy, scaly patches that often occur on the knees, elbows, trunk, and scalp. Due to the autoimmune nature of this skin condition, natural psoriasis treatment is focused on calming the autoimmune response in both the body and skin.